My Second Best Friend, Shawn...

Nine-year-old Jake, sitting with his parents one evening, had a story to share about something that happened at school that day. “My second best friend, Shawn—” he began.

“Wait, I thought Shawn was your best friend,” Mom said.

“Oh, no,” Jake replied, pointing up, “That would be Jesus.”

With hearts warmed, his parents smiled at one another as Jake continued his story.

Later that evening, after Jake and his little sister had gone to bed, Mom sent an email to Carolyn, the Children’s Ministry leader at the church they attend, to pass along Jake’s words. Carolyn immediately passed it along to her whole team of volunteer youth leaders. One of those leaders was Kym.

Kym had just had one of the worst days of her life: her boss yelled at her, she came out from work at the end of the day to find her car had been hit in the parking lot and no note was left, and when she got home, after picking up her own little ones from daycare, the electricity was out. How was she going to manage dinner?

As she collapsed into bed that night, she picked up her smart phone, saw she had several new emails and opened the first of two notes from Carolyn. It was the week’s lesson plan for the coming Sunday and her first thought was that she should quit the ministry. Between work, motherhood and volunteering, it was just too much. Then she opened Carolyn’s second note, passed along from Jake’s mother. And wept.

It wasn’t too much. It was just enough!

Kym touched Jake, Jake touched his parents, his Mom touched Carolyn, Carolyn touched Kym. And Kym went on to touch how many other “Jakes?”


Have you touched anyone lately?